Saturday, July 1, 2017

Exciting Times + July Goals

OK. So I’m actually really excited about a few things.

  1. John and I are collaborating again
  2. An editor is interested in seeing the completed manuscript for one of my picture books
  3. I got 3 more rejections (totaling 8 for the year)
  4. I’ve decided to do a semi-regular book giveaway (starting this month)

1. A few weeks ago, John and I attended an SCBWI workshop. It was great to get out together for the day sans children. Thank you in-laws! I will be writing a separate post specifically about the conference, but we learned a lot and were inspired. It’s been awhile since John and I have tried to work together on a project, but we received some positive feedback, and so we’re going to give it another go. Hooray!

2. At the conference, attendees had the option of having the 1st page of their manuscripts anonymously critiqued in front of the group. While there were a few things mentioned that could make my manuscript stronger, overall the feedback was good.

Afterwords, John and I were speaking with an editor and John mentioned that my manuscript was the dinosaur one. The editor said he thought it was great and to go ahead and send it his way. Now, I honestly do not think anything will come of it—the editor is mostly looking for chapter books, not picture books--but it was flattering all the same.

3. I got 3 more for the rejection pile. While it is always a tiny bit disappointing, I also take a lot of encouragement from them. I now have 8 rejections under my belt this year. That’s over 1 a month! And you know what that means? It means I am writing and I am submitting my work. I can’t control when something will be accepted, but by writing, submitting, and receiving feedback, I will get better.

4. I am a devout library patron. I love books, but I do not buy many books for two main reasons. 1. I read so much that I would be broke if I bought every book I read. 2. I rarely reread books so they would just line my walls. But I would love to show more support for the authors and books I enjoy. So, I have decided that I would like to do a regular book giveaway. I’ll pick a book that I have recently enjoyed, and then I’ll send it off to whoever wins the giveaway. Look for more details in the coming days. The inaugural book is a great one. I can’t wait to share it.

June Goals Review:

  • Go to writing conference
  • Get draft of picture book done before conference
  • Have final draft done by end of month (nope)
  • Write 3 poems for an instagram poetry competition (not even close)
  • Get caught up on my reading goal (still happy-I read 6 books, taking the deficit from 4 to 2)

July Goals:

  • Finish final draft of Madam Fang and submit it
  • Write 2 instagram poems
  • Write book review
  • Run book giveaway
  • Daydream more about potential story ideas
  • Finish 5 books

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