Friday, January 20, 2017

Love Is Stronger Than Strong

Tonight, as I put my 6yo to bed, I asked her what makes our family good? What makes it strong? She looked at me and smiled in a way that implied “Silly Mommy, that’s SO easy.” I asked her what she thought and she replied: “Mom, love is stronger than strong. We love each other.” My heart could have burst right then and there.

She gets it. Love is what makes us strong—as individuals, as families, as communities, as a nation, as the whole of humanity. Not divisiveness. Not looking within—to numero uno. We are strong when we look to others. When we lend a hand to lift those who need lifting. Strengthen those who need strengthening. Give voice to those who cannot speak.

I have no idea what the coming days, weeks and months will bring, but I know that I will be listening very carefully. And I will look for ways to show more love. It is one of the reasons that I will be marching with my fellow women tomorrow. I wish I could actually be in DC for the Women’s March on Washington--a new baby made the trip difficult. But I will be marching in a sister march in Sarasota. I stand not to oppose Trump, but to speak out for love, compassion and justice for everyone, no matter their walk of life.

Will Washington listen? I hope so, but if not, I won’t stop opening my heart and standing for what is right. Because I believe that love is stronger than strong.

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