Wednesday, September 20, 2017

R.eaders I.mbibing P.eril XII (RIPXII)

Two years ago in November (2015), I discovered the R.I.P community reading challenge. Anyone who has been around me for even a little bit knows that I am head over heels in love with Autumn, Halloween and anything creepy. And I also love to read. It's like the R.I.P. challenge was created just for me!

Of course it was too late to officially participate the year I discover it, but I was so excited to give it a go the following year (2016). Fast forward 10 months, and I was 8 months pregnant and moving across country. Needless to say, I stalled again.

So, it is because of this that I am so incredibly excited to announce my participation THIS year! Hooray! Happy dance all around. Here are the 6 books I hope to read over the next few weeks.

What spooky books are you reading this Fall? Do you have any creepy book recommendations? Leave me a comment below!


  1. The Night Gardener was amazing! I read that one aloud to my 6-year-old son last year. We both loved it. We Have Always Lived in the Castle was a great one too. Love Shirley Jackson. So glad you are able to participate this year!

    1. I just started it and I am loving the Night Gardener. Thanks for stopping by!

  2. Nice list! Not familiar with most of them myself, though I read We Have Always Lived in the Castle for RIP a few years ago and really loved it.

    I have a list of good intentions for my reading (, though knowing me, I'll end up reading a totally different pile of books. Love reading horror this time of year!

    1. I read a lot of children's/YA literature, so I decided to go that route with most of the books I chose. I am excited to read We Have Always Lived in the Castle.

      It looks like you have some great books for RIP. I love Clive Barker and I'll have to check out Wormwood.
