Sunday, October 29, 2017

MIGHTY JACK Giveaway + Author Interview

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Hello everyone. It's time for another book giveaway! This month I will be giving away a copy of Ben Hatke's Mighty Jack and the Goblin King. You can read my review for it here and my review for the first book in the series, Mighty Jack, here. Seriously, these books are fantastic.

Ben Hatke was kind enough to answer a few questions, and I hope that you enjoy the interview below. Be sure to check out his other books and look him up on the social media links at the end of this post. And, as always, be sure to enter the giveaway!

An Interview with Ben Hatke

5 Favorites:

Vegetable: Broccoli! (it wasn't always this way)
Household chore: Dishes! (either with loud music, or quiet and meditative)
Candy/treat: Cow Tails!
Color: All of them.
Animal: Turtles.

5 More Questions: 

As a child, what did you want to do when you grew up?

Someone who helped people. As a gymnast, I also went through a long phase where I wanted to join a circus. But through it all I was drawing and telling stories.

What do you think makes a good story?

A clear, emotionally resonant ending that everything in the story is pushing toward. Also characters that you are rooting for who have to make difficult moral choices. Things that are no fun it real life often make great fuel for stories.

What do you like to do when you're not writing/drawing?

I like to practice archery, paddle around in my canoe, and read, read, read.

What's the best advice you've ever been given?

I've been given lots of good advice over the years, but, on the subject of art it was this (from a grand old teacher with a voice like distant thunder): "Art is not in the hands. You can teach your hands to do anything. Art is here [pointing to eyes]. Teaching them to really see."

What book(s) are you reading right now?

I'm reading The Housekeeper and the Professor by Yoko Ogawa. It's about a woman who takes a job keeping house for an aging mathematician who has a brain injury that severely damaged his short term memory. His memories reset every 80 minutes. It's very good.

Julia's House for Lost Creatures
Nobody Likes a Goblin
Little Robot
Mighty Jack
Mighty Jack and the Goblin King

Twitter: @BenHatke
Instagram: @heybenhatke

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Good luck everyone! Ben writes the best books.

  2. I love these books and everything else Ben has written.

  3. I gave away my copy of MJatGK to some deserving neighbor kids so I need a new one. And if I win I will re-read it and then probably give it away to a some other deserving neighbor kids! :)
